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[Game EngineHalf Life 2 游戏引擎

Platform: | Size: 51622094 | Author: gakh2010 | Hits:

[Game Programhl

Description: 半条命2(Half Life2)源码,据说是泄漏出来的游戏源码,其中还包含了反恐精英CS游戏以及其他部分的源码。有兴趣的朋友可以去研究一下,请勿用于非法用途。--Source code of Half life 2 (Half Life2) ,it including CS game and other parts sources code. Please do not use in the illegal use.
Platform: | Size: 45427712 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: :用C语言解决丢番图年龄问题 数学书上的题目,数学家丢番图的墓碑上刻着:他的生命的 十二分之一是幸福的童年,过了生命的六分之一,他长出了 细细的胡须,过了生命的七分之一,他结婚了,五年后他有 了儿子,但儿子只活了他寿命的二分之一,儿子死后,他在 极度悲痛中生活了四年,也与世长辞了。 -: Using C language to solve the Diophantine age book on the subject of mathematics, mathematicians Diophantus tombstone engraved: the one-twelfth of his life is a happy childhood, had one-sixth of his life, he grow a thin beard, over one-seventh of his life, he married him five years later with his son, but his son survived him only one half of life, his son
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xuanweibo | Hits:

[Game Programlife2Engine

Description: 半条命2 游戏引擎,超详细,是本书,内含带代码-Half-Life 2 game engine, ultra-detailed, is the document that contains the code with
Platform: | Size: 5689344 | Author: 王绪龙 | Hits:

[3D GraphicMilkShape3D

Description: MilkShape 3D V1.73是一个专门制作各种游戏模型的共享软件的最新版本,这是一个非常小巧的3D制作工具,但是却包含了相当丰富的功能,他支持的游戏3D类型一共包括:Half-Life SMD,Quake I MDL,Quake II MD2,Quake III Arena MD3,Genesis3D BDY 1.0,Genesis3D MOT 1.0,Unreal/UT 3D,Wavefront OBJ,3dstudio ASC,Lightwave LWO,AutoCAD DXF,POV-Ray INC,VRML1 WRL,Autodesk 3DS,MilkShape 3D ASCII,RAW,Renderman RIB-MilkShape 3D V1.73 is a special model of the production of a variety of games to share the latest version of software, this is a very compact 3D production tools, but it contains a considerable wealth of functions, he supported a total of games including 3D type: Half-Life SMD, Quake I MDL, Quake II MD2, Quake III Arena MD3, Genesis3D BDY 1.0, Genesis3D MOT 1.0, Unreal/UT 3D, Wavefront OBJ, 3dstudio ASC, Lightwave LWO, AutoCAD DXF, POV-Ray INC, VRML1 WRL, Autodesk 3DS, MilkShape 3D ASCII, RAW, Renderman RIB
Platform: | Size: 4958208 | Author: lq | Hits:

[Game ProgramHalfLifeGame

Description: A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world levels are created and rendered in real time. At the same time I found myself in between jobs and so I embarked on an effort to learn about 3D rendering with the goal of creating my own 3D rendering engine. Since I am a developer and not an artist I didn’t have the skills to create my own models, levels, and textures. So I decided to attempt to write a rendering engine that would render existing game levels. I mainly used information and articles I found on the web about Quake 2, Half Life, WAD and BSP files. In particular I found the Michael Abrash articles that he wrote for Dr. Dobbs magazine while working at Id to be very illuminating.-A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world levels are created and rendered in real time. At the same time I found myself in between jobs and so I embarked on an effort to learn about 3D rendering with the goal of creating my own 3D rendering engine. Since I am a developer and not an artist I didn’t have the skills to create my own models, levels, and textures. So I decided to attempt to write a rendering engine that would render existing game levels. I mainly used information and articles I found on the web about Quake 2, Half Life, WAD and BSP files. In particular I found the Michael Abrash articles that he wrote for Dr. Dobbs magazine while working at Id to be very illuminating.
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: vddh vddh | Hits:

[Game ProgramSourceTowerssourcecode

Description: Half-Life 2 Source Towers (mod) source code.
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: MP | Hits:

[Game Programhalf-life-2-trainer

Description: Half-Life Trainer + Components-Half-Life Trainer+ Components
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: hao xiu ye | Hits:

[Game Enginehalf_life2_engine

Description: HalfLife2引擎代码文档,已经编辑成帮助文件。-HalfLife2 engine code documentation has been compiled Help file.
Platform: | Size: 5689344 | Author: 高浩 | Hits:


Description: Half-Life is the most famous FPS game existent, no doubts. It has been developed by Valve (http://www.valvesoftware.com) and has been released in the far 1998, but also after all this time it continues to be the most played game with its MODs like Counter-Strike, Natural selection, Sven-coop and many others. Everyday there are about 37.000 servers online! As already specified in the header of this advisory I want to underline that this bug has been found by Terry Henning.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: collapsus | Hits:

[Windows Developgame-card

Description: 此为一小品游戏, 玩家必须要在在于限制次数与时间内, 猜测画面上的纸牌, 帮他们两两配对. 游戏左上角为玩家生命, 右上角可即时统计分数, 游戏上半部则为时 间血条, 在游戏结束后, 或是玩家破关时, 将进入名人堂留下名号之画面 , 玩家可在此留下属于自己的名字, 也可进入排行榜查寻名册, 游戏中全程 均有音乐音效拨放, 可以享受游戏乐趣.-This is a sketch game, players must to is to limit the frequency and time, speculation on the screen card to help them 22 matches. The game of life the top left corner for the players, the upper right corner immediately statistical score, the game was the first half of the time Article blood, after the end of the game, or players breaking off, it will leave a name into the Hall of Fame of the screen, players can leave their own name, may also enter search Ranking list, the game had the whole Music and Sound Playback, you can enjoy the game fun.
Platform: | Size: 7223296 | Author: 朱庭贤 | Hits:

[Game Enginehlsdk-2.3-p3

Description: hlsdk-2.3-p3.zip 半条命的开发包(SDK) 可以研究一下CS的引擎-hlsdk-2.3-p3.zip Half-Life' s development kit (SDK) to study the CS engine!!!!
Platform: | Size: 5762048 | Author: ctyhdmm | Hits:

[3D GraphicHalfLife_MDL

Description: 从半条命源代码中提取的代码,可以加载MDL格式的骨骼动画。-A C++ code from Half-Life source code, which can load the MDL format skeletal animation.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: Chu | Hits:

[Other Gamesshengsiyouxi

Description: 约瑟夫双向生死游戏是在约瑟夫生者死者游戏的基础上,正向计数后反向计数,然后再正向计数。具体描述如下:30个旅客同乘一条船,因为严重超载,加上风高浪大,危险万分;因此船长告诉乘客,只有将全船一半的旅客投入海中,其余人才能幸免遇难。无奈,大家只得同意这种办法,并议定30个人围成一圈,由第一个人开始,顺时针依次报数,数到第9人,便把他投入大海中,然后从他的下一个人数起,逆时针数到第5人,将他投入大海,然后从他逆时针的下一个人数起,顺时针数到第9人,再将他投入大海,如此循环,直到剩下15个乘客为止。问哪些位置是将被扔下大海的位置。-Two-way game of life and death of Joseph in Joseph living and the dead on the basis of the game, forward reverse count after count, then a positive count. Specifically described as follows: 30 visitors with a boat ride, because of severe overload, combined with wind, big waves, dangerous extreme so the captain told the passengers, and only half of the whole ship into the sea of ​ ​ tourists, the rest can be survived. Helpless, we can only agree with this approach, and 30 people agreed to form a circle, starting from the first individual, report the number of clockwise turn, the number to 9, put him into the sea, and then the next number from the beginning of his , counter-clockwise to the number 5, will he put the sea, then the number of his next anti-clockwise, the clockwise to the number 9, then he put into the sea, and so on, until the remaining 15 passengers so far. Q. What position is the position of the sea will be dropped.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: lianyu | Hits:

[Shot Gamemdl

Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: BILAL | Hits:

[Game Enginesing

Description: Sing Engine is a custom Half-Life 1 engine that is written from scratch. It have full compatibility with modifications for original Half-Life 1 engine and have extended limits for mappers, custom features(like background maps in menu and custom lighting), and stability.
Platform: | Size: 1882112 | Author: adamix | Hits:

[Hook apiMetaHook-Plus-0.3

Description: Half-Life (GoldSrc) 客户端插件扩展。-Half-Life Client Plugins Extension Developed by the metahook are a group of lovers of Counter-Strike, he can extend the functionality of the game, making the game more rich in Sth
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: Nagi | Hits:

[Other Gamessrc

Description: The Alpha Decompiler and Compiler for Half-life Alpha
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: Alex Truman | Hits:

[Shot GameMetaHook-0.4---Dev

Description: 一种用于 Half Life 1 引擎的外挂程序,可以充当客户端-This is used for Half Life 1 mods, it could be as a client
Platform: | Size: 399360 | Author: asd | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net